Pour installer des add-ons ou des modules complémentaires dans Kodi, il existe deux options différentes, soit ils proviennent d'un dossier déjà disponible dans l'application soit que tu as téléchargé l’add-on sur Internet au format ZIP. Nous t’expliquons comment procéder dans les deux cas.

Install Exodus redux on Kodi ; Install Exodus redux on Kodi with the Kodi Bae repository; Further configurations after installing Exod us Redux; Things to know before getting started 1. Notifications before using Exodus on Kodi. Before getting started, kindly note that neither Driver Easy nor Kodi encourages the piracy. You should use Kodi and 01/07/2020 · Read: How to install and use a Kodi VPN. How to Install Exodus Redux on Kodi. I will breakdown the installation process in three simple steps that will help you easily follow & install the Exodus Redux addon on Kodi. Step 1: Allow Unknown Sources on Kodi. Exodus Redux Kodi addon is not part of the official Kodi Add-on Repository. That’s why 08/07/2020 · As the undisputed King of Kodi add-ons, learn how to install Exodus on the latest Kodi 18 Leia or 17.6 Krypton version. You’ll also learn to get Exodus Redux for Kodi onto your Firestick and other streaming devices. How To Install Exodus On Kodi. By following the below mention steps you can easily install Exodus on Kodi without any hassle. So let go through the detailed steps mention below. 1- Launch Kodi. First of all, you need to go to your Apps list and launch Kodi. Kodi figure parmi les meilleurs programmes de diffusion vidéo. Que ce soit pour écouter de la musique ou pour une utilisation plus approfondie des fichiers multimédias, ce programme offre des While Exodus may be a useful addition to Kodi, it’s one that should be used with caution. Make sure that you verify the copyright laws in your area before attempting to use it. If you are in a country where this add-on is considered to be illegal, then it’s best to just stick to Kodi itself and the official add-ons it offers.

This post focuses on how to install exodus on Kodi 17 krypton running on Ubuntu 17.04 and below. Before we proceed Exodus is one of the best TV and Movie addons developed by the creator of Genesis. At what stage of the installation.

Jun 3, 2017 Once you've got your Kodi system running on the Raspberry Pi one of the most popular plugins you can install is “Exodus”. This plugin presents 

Catch-Up TV & More. Surement la meilleure application Kodi pour regarder la TV en direct et …

01/07/2020 Catch-Up TV & More. Surement la meilleure application Kodi pour regarder la TV en direct et … Installer OpenSubtitles Ouvrez KODI. Allez dans Paramètres > cliquez sur Extensions > Installer depuis un dépôt > kodi Add-on repository. Vous cliquez dans le menu déroulant: Sous-titres puis OpenSubtitles.org. Installez. et Configurer. Une seule config: Mettez votre nom d’ utilisateur (et mot de passe) créé précédemment. Paramètres